Eye-Watering Starfields, continued

In my previous post I lamented the eye-watering starfield background of a site devoted to the parallels between the mythos of Battlestar Galactica and the Church of Latter-Day Saints. I just found another one: a website I wish I could have delved into further, but was prevented by actual nausea because of its design. It’s this: http://www.phi-phenomenon.org/buffy. This site has some pretty amazing statistical analysis of how highly each episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is rated, broken out by character, director, and several other variables.
Firefox to the rescue: Firefox has a feature that strips out most page formatting. Just choose View>Page Style>No Style.

(I watched a lot of Buffy while I was sick. I am blogging after midnight because my sleep patterns are all messed up again because of copious but irregular sleeping through this sickness/recuperation. And while I do appreciate that I’m accumulating major dork points for having even found the Buffy stats site, I’m again reminded that there are people with dork beacons far brighter than mine, because someone had to make this site in the first place.)