Eddie’s in the Onion.

That’s it, really.
Oh: Except there’s a comment after the interview that Americans always pronounce his name wrong. “It’s Iz_Ard. Doesn’t rhyme with Lizard.”
We *have* to pronounce it wrong, unless we want to have the “invokes Linus Torvalds” problem. We’re Americans. It’s either “rhymes with lizard” (“IZerd”) or “talk like a pirate” (izARRRD), because we sound pretentious to ourselves if we pronounce it “izAHD.”
‘Course, “invokes Linus Torvalds” partly pissed me off because so few people care about pronouncing words that are not Amer-English. The fact that we’re at war in eyeRACK is witheringly embarrassing. If we’re having a war in their country we should at least pronounce it eeRAHK. How come we just make up names for other places? Those places have names. Perfectly good ones. Good enough for the people who live there. Turin/Torino was a good example—we should have been calling it Torino all along. How pissed off would we be if the Dutch addressed all their Brooklyn mail to Nieuw Amsterdam, NY?