At acupuncture this morning my Chinese doctor said I was “very compliant.” I initially let it pass, but honestly I was a bit hurt. Crestfallen. Insulted, even. Compliant, me? No! I am belligerent and sturdy! Compliance is weak and sheeplike. I object to being expected to comply with things, because so often the things I’m complying with make no practical sense and have no positive effect. Compliance to me implies complicity, tacit acceptance of a corrupt and/or irrational system.
So I asked him what he meant, and said “Oh–I meant that you’re not doing this halfway. You’re actually following my suggestions very thoroughly. I said to eat fish, rice, and vegetables for a week, and that’s what you’ve done–you didn’t give up after three days because you really wanted a burger.”
“Oh,” said I, mollified. “That’s not compliance. That’s commitment.”